Thursday, May 6, 2010

Post-Garage Sale

Our garage sale is done. Praise God. Both that it is done and the wonderful result. Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Other than books we probably got rid of more than 90% of what we were trying to sell. We also sold most of the furniture we were trying to get rid of.

It was difficult going through things that I had held on to much of my life. My dresser was the hardest, I think. Dad got it from the men's dorm when he was in seminary and I've had it all my life. I realized it on the way to the lady's house who couldn't transport it.

Praise God that we sold our van and our car. Praise God we had someone look at our house today. We are trying to rent it. Praise God we have places for our animals. And praise God that our support continues to come in.

It is now one week from when we move everything out of the house and stay with my Aunt & Uncle in Woodland Park until the 16th. Lots to do before then. This Saturday, Mountain Springs Church is having a dessert as a goodbye. If you're in town, we would love to say goodbye.
Only by God's grace, Tim

1 comment:

  1. Wow - isn't God amazing? It is so evident that He is going before you to prepare the way.
