Emmanuel Youth Outreach, EYO. In honor of Emmanuel, who died in '07.
They had camp last week, Wednesday through Saturday. The Eyo team put it on, and boy was it fun! (Would the more appropriate way to say that; and girl was it fun!; ?) The camp was for kids 14 and above (I was an exception because my birthday is next month and because I'm in S-1 (eighth grade). Wednesday was registration, we had our names written down and we got our name tag. The name tag was the passport for food. If we didn't have a name tag, we wouldn't get fed.
The theme this year was "Chosen Generation". We are sent to change the world. There was four teams like regular old camp. Yellow, red, blue and green. I was in yellow, along with two of my family members, Enid and John. I'll tell you now who won the camp competitions, YELLOW! ROCK ON!................... Sorry. Anyway, continuing Wednesday's schedule. After registrations we had a 'Rules and Regulations' meeting. Then dinner at home, after that we gathered back at the church for a movie, Martin Luther. Then bed at home.
The next day was better, we gathered at the church in the morning to hear two people speak, Uncle Erik and Uncle Dave. Uncle Erik spoke on purity and choosing the right friends. Uncle Dave spoke on servanthood. In between the speakers, we had break...- pojo porridge. After a few activities within our groups, we had lunch. Beans and pojo. Then were games, a variation of capture the flag and two different races (yellow won most, sorry for those who are reading this and were on different teams). After, volleyball (yellow, again) then dinner at home. One more movie, Amazing Grace (William Wilberforce), then bed at home.
The next day was not really the same. We had almost a comedy day. One speaker today, Uncle Geoff Britton who spoke on diligent work. Then we watched a bunch of Ugandan comedy movies after break, some of which were funny. We had a concert-type-thing after lunch, and then Uncle Roger spoke to us about different diseases, more like answered a whole lot of questions. Then dinner at home. It was now time for weird night! You're supposed to dress up weird. I put on my p.j. pants (trousers) and two shirts, then a bandana and an upside-down-hat! Not as weird as some people, some of the boys dressed up like girls (and some actually looked like girls! Definitely weird). Bedtime!
Last day, three speakers, Uncle Jonnes, Uncle Kato and Auntie Mary Britton. Uncle Jones spoke on changing the world through our lives. Auntie Mary spoke on nutrition, and Uncle Kato gave a testimony of his live being changed by Christians in the church. Break was somewhere in there... After lunch we had debate. The question: 'Is Christianity Boring?' There were a lot of interesting facts on both the proposing side and the opposing side. Me? I know that Christianity is definitely NOT boring, but it was interesting to hear both sides. Yellow won again, by 15 points. Then we had a basketball competition up on Secondary. Yellow lost, and we had the most minor injury in the camp. One of our leaders dislocated an elbow that had already been dislocated times before. He was taken to the hospital, but was only there for 20 minutes, thank God it wasn't a major thing!
We had dinner that night at the church, rice and meat (with the sauce), chapatis (YUM!), and sodas. After dinner, we had a campfire and actually roasted marshmellons (haha, marshmellows). People discussed what could of been done better and what couldn't of been done any better, and that was the end. It rained 4 hours straight that night after the campfire finished, it was SLIPPERY! There were some pretty funny pictures that had been taken, I'll see if I can get some.
Thanks everyone for all the prayers! We had boys from Kampala and people from outside New Hope's boarders come, pray that some of their lives will be changed because of the Eyo Camp. And please pray that there will be another next year if the Eyo members can raise enough money!